Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) has been a cornerstone program of Scott County Farm Bureau for 30 plus years. Our community outreach leans on the support of our local farmers and industry professionals to help support our programs.
It is our goal to help educators teach students about Iowa agriculture and its importance to our economy and society. We believe it is important for Iowa students to know that their food and fiber comes from the farm, not from the grocery store.
We want students to understand that farmers work hard to protect our environment and natural resources, and that they responsibly care for their livestock.
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Scott County
Farm Bureau
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Scott County Farm Bureau is committed to serving Scott County farmers and residents through ag education, health care, and rural business initiatives. We offer grant and scholarship programs to area teachers and students and help promote rural businesses. Scott County Farm Bureau was established in
1912 and is a part of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation.
Iowa Ag Literacy Foundation
The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation's mission is to educate Iowans with a focus on youth regarding the breadth and global significance of agriculture. IALF serves as a central resource for educators and volunteers who want to teach Iowa’s students about agriculture.
National Ag in the Classroom
National Agriculture in the Classroom supports state programs by providing a network that seeks to improve agricultural literacy awareness, knowledge, and appreciation... among
PreK-12 teachers and their students.